Denise Griffin
Denise Griffin is the IEEE-HKN Governor for Regions 1&2. She is the Senior Past Chair of the IEEE Boston Section, and the current IEEE Region 1 Northeastern Area Chair. Denise is also passionate about IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE), serving 3 terms as WIE Region 1 Coordinator after serving 3 terms as the Boston WIE Chair where her section was runner up for “Affinity Group of the Year”. She is the 2024 WIE Forum Career Fair Coordinator, was the Boston 2016 WIE Forum Conference Chair, and serves on the Editorial Board of the Award-Winning IEEE WIE Magazine. She feels it is important to recognize member achievements and therefore serves on the Awards and Recognitions Committees for both MGA and for IEEE-USA . She is also on the Steering Committee for the IEEE Rising Stars Conference and will be their 2025 Sponsorship Chair, She is passionate about giving back, and creating programs and partnerships which impact thousands of students and professionals every year and furthering the goals of IEEE. She has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University, where she is an active Alumni volunteer, and works in Customer Success and Technical Program Management.